Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life Cries under Taliban...

Its very awful & painful when I hear about people suffering in Taliban especially women & children. I was nervous while writing this blog because this blog is very close to my heart. I love to see Children going to school, enjoying in the garden, playing with the toys, etc. having cute smile always on their face but on this region its exactly opposite is happening with the children especially with Girls.

Taliban became a military and political force in late 1994, women and girls in Afghanistan have become virtually invisible in Taliban controlled portions of the country. The impacts of Taliban imposed restrictions are most acutely felt in the cities where women had enjoyed relatively greater freedoms. In 1996, the University of Kabul reportedly had several thousand women students while thousands of professional women worked in different capacities in the city.

Since the Taliban takeover, women are not allowed to attend school and others have been forced to leave their jobs. Women and girls are not allowed to appear outside the home unless wearing a head to toe covering called the burqa. A three inch square opening covered with mesh provides the only means for vision. Although the burqa was worn in Kabul before the Taliban took control, it was not an enforced dress code and many women wore only scarves that cover the head. Women are also forbidden from appearing in public with a male who is not their relative.

Women’s and girls’ access to medical services has been drastically cut back. Women are treated primarily by female doctors and the number of female doctors has been greatly reduced. It is also dangerous for women to leave their homes

Taliban militia mete out punishment for violations of these rules on the spot. There were cases I want to share how they give punishment. For example, women have been beaten on the street if an inch of ankle shows under their burqa. They have been beaten if they are found to move about without an explanation acceptable to the Taliban. They have been beaten if they make noise when they walk. According to one report, a women struggling with two small children and groceries in her arms was reportedly beaten by the Taliban with a car antenna because she had let her face covering slip a fraction.

Claiming that they are restoring Afghanistan to the "purity of Islam," the Taliban regime has "expunged all leisure activities. Their list of what is illegal grows daily: music, movies and television, picnics, wedding parties, New Year celebrations, any kind of mixed-sex gathering. They've also banned children's toys, including dolls and kites; card and board games; cameras; photographs and paintings of people and animals; pet parakeets; cigarettes and alcohol; magazines and newspapers, and most books. They've even forbidden applause -- a moot point, since there's nothing left to applaud."

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) documents the atrocities committed against the Afghanistan people, including the mass murder of citizens, the rape and murder of women, the looting of the meager resources of the people, flogging, amputation of limbs, and more. RAWA is doing brave attempt by doing documentation & also raising several issues about exploitation.

But thing is that even their voices are unheard. Young Children’s & their dreams have been shattered under Taliban regime. Hope their cries will be heard by Afghan Govt & also UNICEF or World Organsations. I hope & believe peace will be prevail & Children will be once again going to School, they can play with toys, play games without any fear & have lots of fun like other Children is doing in other parts.


Inputs taken from:

Iran Weekly Digest
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanisthan(RAWA)